Sunday, September 20, 2009

A trip to One-U

Nothing exciting has happened to me lately. Well, some are on their way tho. Like on the 24th, my results for the previous trials. ooh. pretty exciting.

Well, so i went to one u with fuguai people yesterday. And as i was much earlier than they were, i decided to go for bowling. A game costs 8 bucks. throw!
The results were urm...not bad for someone who didn't even stepped into a bowling court for like 3 years.

Then we watched 'Where Got Ghost'. Made me laugh till i almost cried. The laughing scenes are almost incessant. Just so you know. =) movie ticket: 11 bucks.Went for dinner afterwards. And Mr.Fu chose dragon-i. I think that's the name of the shop. lol.

Shredded pork with shredded onion and shredded laaaaaaaaaa-mien. 14 bucks.

Food from Heaven. Ah. The xiaolongpau. The soup that flows out endlessly from this small lump of meat wrapped in flour. And talking about it makes my mouth water once more. 12 bucks. This is Mr. Fu .
The mess we left.
Yes. My bill was 180.55. Only mine.
And this is Mr. Spiderman who, out of the boredom, decided to flash instead of shooting spiderwebs. priceless.


  1. WTF. you gotta be kiddin me. Awesome randomness. keep it up. XD

  2. walao
    look at bird
    so yam~

  3. wat!!? sei cheryl..=.=... i canot smile de ar?... walao.. i so love dat spiderman wif an ice-cream lilopop^^~~

  4. hahaha
    where is the Mr.Guai?

    the spiderman = =

  5. Yesh. new vocab. incessant.

    (Dont blame me, blame the SAT.) lol

    But seriously, dragon-i that expensive?

  6. kiddie- lol.

    cheryl- haha. that's how he look when he is not with girls. ahaha

    bui- bird's full name is fu guai hai. haha.

    nigel- lol. so how's your prep? how are you? haha.

    nah. 180.55 was for 5 people. and mine portion was around 20 something. lol.

    pool? XD

  7. why is bird lookin at dat piece of char siew like dat..-.-
    walao, yozer u dam rich izzit??=.=
    n please, don make spiderman sounds like a perv, super prime.. haha!!
    bird is wearing da shirt i buy!! XDXD looks nice wad, told u lor~~ nyeh nyeh.. wheres da purse?
