The trials are gone. And i am a happy boy once more. =)
And i've got nothing good to blog and brag about.
So, i am going to tell you guys why is wtf not vulgar.
You might already have started to wonder with your mouth wide open thinking why it ain't so and. But it really is not.

As most of you have realised, i have got a little addicted to wtf recently. In almost every sentence of mine, wtf will certainly be there. Perhaps some of you people would have assumed that "OMG, ding's an effin rude boy!" But, hell no.
WTF is actually very much similar to OMG.
You use wtf when you are surprised like 'WTF?! Discounts up to 90%?" or "WTF, she is so pretty!" or maybe "WTF?! the food tastes like heaven!"

Omg sounds girlish. Wtf sounds more boy-ish.
Also, WTF happens to be the answer to all questions.
'What do you think about the picture?'
'Is the food good?'
You see, somehow wtf just fits in correctly, doesn't it? hehe.
You know why? Because wtf stands for Walao Terribly Fantastic. hehehe.
But sometimes, on rare ocassions, wtf still retains its original meaning.
p/s If you think the last picture had just made your day, tell me and leave your email add. I am just too happy to forward the email to you. lol wtf.