Monday, January 12, 2009

The Pour.

The story began on a very fine day. I, the main character of the story (of course!) was embarking on a hard and exhausting journey to the way of finding the solution of EVERYTHING. (no lah. a physics one.)

(let's skip the story of the journey, shall we?)

And, TADAA i found the solution!

The world cheered. All hail the mighty genius Ding! And i was accepting all the cheers and hurrays and the imaginary confetti falling from the skies.

And then a sudden movement of my hand. which knocked over my water bottle.

Waves crashed upon the silent land. Thunder shook the heavens. And the earth quaked with fear.

And all eyes fell on me.


AND the moral of the story is-Don't put your water bottle on the table.


  1. haha......zzz
    so u use dis ACCIDENT to attract evry1's eyesight??

  2. bui-hmm. no lar. me looks are attractive enough! =p
