Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bon Apetit!

If you people, whoever you are -other than those whom I see everyday- had not seen me for quite some time since the last time you saw me, whenever it is, it's because i was stuck to my trials.
Farrk you trials. you made me missed out so many good things. damn you. =)

Anyway, if you were to think that i have started to fall in love with my papers/books/notes, no. On the other hand, i have instead, fallen in love with...

eating sinfully sweet foodbrain food. wtf. haha.

So today, imma teach you guys how to make Damien's finger lickin good strawberriliciouschocolateysandwich ! =D

Get some crackers, some icecreamballs with chocolatepeanut coating, and strawberryjam.
Smear a tablespoon of strawberryjam over the cracker and then place the chocolateicecreamball on top of it.
Take another piece of cracker and put it right on top. Then all you have to do is to sandwich them together and press it hard so that the strawberry jam is flowing out of the edges.
Finish it up and lick the plate clean.

Now, back to making love with physics. =S


  1. nice appetizer lol

    stop fxxking ur physic! :lol:

  2. i wan the strawberriliciouschocolateysandwich
    too!!!! ==

  3. eh got delivery service? =p

  4. turtle- hahahaha. i can't stop doing it. XD

    bui- next time you come my house i make for you.

    sarah- hahaha. within 10 metres of where i am standing yes. every subsequent 100 metres i have to charge like 10 bucks. XD

  5. Hehehe. Your study sessions look like a lot of fun!

  6. nigel- hahaha. it's the eating part that's fun. XD

  7. Haha... great minds think alike.. Instead I use crackers and nutella... Mash them into a bowl and then microwave.... I call it crunchy chocolate pudding... No wonder I'm so fat now
