Sunday, January 24, 2010

Amboi, gementarnya.

Was checking up on the A level result site and this was what i saw.

Supposed I did not receive the results i was hoping for, I wonder what appropriate steps Mr.tcshcampusdirector would be able to decide for me.

Give me a 500 page manual to jumping off Niagra Falls?

Throw!™ sibeh ganjeong. 13 hours and counting.

25/1 update: hohoho. not the best. but good enough to draw a smile on the tensed up face. lalalala. thank you everyone. =D

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Apparently, there is a lack of names for restaurants. XD

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


And i still cannot accept the fact. that i have to start going to college tomorrow.

because the holidays are not long enough for my heart to grow fond of everything about college. wtf.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I am 19 and that's not okay.

Woo. I still can't believe that it is already 2010.

This is so unbelievable. Like seriously. wth. People has already start referring to me as 19 now even though my birthday's in another 9 months time. I am feeling so old. So feeble. So wtf.19 used to be such an alien term when i was younger. 19 sounds so old. 19 means no more playing with action figures. 19 means you can only look at younger kids play catch. 19 means you can't cry anymore because you couldn't get the stuff you want. 19 means so many things that i have never even thought of. Now, i am an alien to the younger kids. So, those who want to be 21 would be like a monster. haha. *sighs*

So, i guess i'll have to do my new year resolutions again. I'll sum them up and conclude them into one, shouldn't i? That saves time and you can read less as well. lol. So my 2010 resolution would be

"to achieve all goals and to hand up my homework on time and to be more active in socializing and to make my family proud of me and to make my friends happy for me and to contribute more to the society and to lead a better and more interesting life than 09' "

So, one resolution covers it all. Not bad eh? XD

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Lalala. And a happy new year.

First of all, Happy New Year dudes!

I am starting to feel old already. wtf.

Partied on the eve. Rest : None.

Nigel staying over on the 1st. Rest : Moderate.

2nd, Actual plan, dinner at sushi zanmai, but in the end, went for left for dead 2. Rest : Little.

I can die out of exhaustion already.

Will post my resolutions and everything about new year and new stuff and new whatevershytthereis when i finish my assignments and get Enough sleep.

Anyway, this was what we did on New Year Eve during a road block.

Happy New Year people! )

p/s the video is taken horizonatally. so, you'll have to bend your head to the right.