Friday, May 05, 2006

Spent 30 bucks on a book 20 bucks on two adorable idiotic toys, and another 20 on movie tickets and lunch. There goes my 70 and with the additional of being generous, 90 bucks is gone. The book and the toy are worth it, so is the ticket and the lunch which made me full and the smiles i get from the 20 bucks is worth the price. So 90 is spent and not a single cent is wasted. The book is named" the rule of four" very intersting one. halfway through it d. Well, it's like been a long time since i blogged. The keyboard sure misses me. So do i miss him. Well, test results are out. And as usual i am hung between the title average kid and loser again. Haha. dun care
i like what i do and i only do what i like. That's it. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. hey howdy. the rule of four is good. when i was reading it i cant stop n hav the constant urge to keep reading.
